Many things had happen after the recent election in our country. Nowadays we have bloggers writing in many areas and issues. As for me, personally, this is a good development. It shows that we have the right to express our opinion out to any of the topics for the benefit of our people and country.
As a citizen, we should be able to express our view without any fear. Politicians should give bloggers some respect as it is providing input to the people in power or aspiring for power. Well blogging is better than ‘demonstrations’ and ‘rioting’.
We can see in our neighboring countries demonstration can cause chaos to the general public. I don’t have to mention the countries facing this problem right now. In fact with the various themes that the bogglers have, readers can choose which writing is good and which is bad. Some of the time some writing contains rubbish rather than good critics.
We Malaysian should stand-up for our right in choosing “who” should be our leader. If a leader misconduct and abuse the power mandated, we should say it out loud. Those politicians should understand that we ‘rakyat’ are not dumb and stupid.
My late father once shared his point of view in on the conduct of the politicians in our country. For instance some of the important portfolio should been given to the person who understand in their working area. (or at least understand what they are doing)
For example our education policy right now. The usage of and changes in teaching of Maths and Science from Bahasa
Let us ponder for a while at our education at our parent’s era. Most of them turn out to be a good leader and in fact we still can’t find good leaders these days. What a shame to the education in Malaysia, you have many A's student, but mostly they are empty inside.
Personally my thinking is, we had enough of these politicians who are turning to be greedy. Cronyism is a general trend. What will happen to ‘rakyat’ that doesn’t have connection with those people in power? They are left out! Nak masuk MRSM pun kena ada kabel !! So sorry for those poor people.
Do we want our new generation suffocated in their “world”? This is a bad situation and is affecting the well being of our kids and their future.
We can see the element of feudalism in Malaysian politics. Now we have grandfather, father, sons and daughters running the show in our government right now. What happen to ‘rakyat’ that can and may have good ideas in running the country?
I pray and hope these bloggers use their influence in writing for the good of the nation. Either you are Malay, Chinese, and Indians….let us learn from what is happening outside our country. Please don’t create hatred within the ‘rakyat’..