Monday, June 30, 2008



Many things had happen after the recent election in our country. Nowadays we have bloggers writing in many areas and issues. As for me, personally, this is a good development. It shows that we have the right to express our opinion out to any of the topics for the benefit of our people and country.

As a citizen, we should be able to express our view without any fear. Politicians should give bloggers some respect as it is providing input to the people in power or aspiring for power. Well blogging is better than ‘demonstrations’ and ‘rioting’.

We can see in our neighboring countries demonstration can cause chaos to the general public. I don’t have to mention the countries facing this problem right now. In fact with the various themes that the bogglers have, readers can choose which writing is good and which is bad. Some of the time some writing contains rubbish rather than good critics.

We Malaysian should stand-up for our right in choosing “who” should be our leader. If a leader misconduct and abuse the power mandated, we should say it out loud. Those politicians should understand that we ‘rakyat’ are not dumb and stupid.

My late father once shared his point of view in on the conduct of the politicians in our country. For instance some of the important portfolio should been given to the person who understand in their working area. (or at least understand what they are doing)

For example our education policy right now. The usage of and changes in teaching of Maths and Science from Bahasa Malaysia to English. (We want to know the development in term of improving english).

Let us ponder for a while at our education at our parent’s era. Most of them turn out to be a good leader and in fact we still can’t find good leaders these days. What a shame to the education in Malaysia, you have many A's student, but mostly they are empty inside.

Personally my thinking is, we had enough of these politicians who are turning to be greedy. Cronyism is a general trend. What will happen to ‘rakyat’ that doesn’t have connection with those people in power? They are left out! Nak masuk MRSM pun kena ada kabel !! So sorry for those poor people.

Do we want our new generation suffocated in their “world”? This is a bad situation and is affecting the well being of our kids and their future.

We can see the element of feudalism in Malaysian politics. Now we have grandfather, father, sons and daughters running the show in our government right now. What happen to ‘rakyat’ that can and may have good ideas in running the country?

I pray and hope these bloggers use their influence in writing for the good of the nation. Either you are Malay, Chinese, and Indians….let us learn from what is happening outside our country. Please don’t create hatred within the ‘rakyat’..

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I have not seen the Kuala Lumpur Master Plan 2020 in detail yet.

I am really anxious to see what Kuala Lumpur is going to look like by then. I was told there would be enough Green Lung planned. I do seriously hoped that this is true.

So far, near where I lived, contractors are busy widening the roads from existing 2 lanes to 3 lanes each. Plenty of dusk and road conditions are unbearable. However it seems that the progress is rather slow, probably due to the fact that there will be no toll collection, yes probably. He he

The main concern here will be, are they going to be enough parks and green space for the kids to play? I noticed that at Taman Danau Kota, the developer are taking away part of the green space to build more town houses. It seems that they will be less space for the kids to play.

Are we encouraging our kids to stay in doors? Playing with the computers or Sony PS all day?

The society must take a role in addressing these issues. You know, we keep on blaming those kids when they hang out in KLCC or the many Malls spread around the city without realizing it is part of our own doing.

Just take a look at how those flats are being build nowadays. Those units are cramped that those residing in it are suffocating.

We need more green lungs in the city.

Friday, June 20, 2008


I was told by my sister in law, that CIMB is having difficulties with their checks clearing systems. All of us knew that until recently there have been new procedures in inter-banks checks clearing where all banks are required to sent images and not the psychical documents.

While other banks have got no difficulties, I wonder why CIMB have got that problem, and to make things worst it have been on since last Monday (as I was told). Who was the contractor?

The problem would only affected customers who are banking in their CIMB Checks into their CIMB accounts. Customers who are banking their CIMB checks into other banks are not affected.

I wonder if this is really true. Maybe somebody out there have the answers for that.

I always thought Nazir (the CEO) of CIMB as a cute guy. he he he Anyway, I think he really need to look at this (if it is true) and I am sure it is. He was successful when he was a merchant bankers, I wonder he will be as successful as a retail bankers.

Datuk Nazir, you are making your customers very frustrated. Going all over the world, acquiring other banks for expansion would not bring any meaning if your own internal systems is sloppy.

Tired of working in the office, well join me working at home. Click HERE

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Gold Coast Australia

We went to Gold Coast, Australia last March.

It was dam hot and with the sun striking straight to my forehead. But it was quite a not to forget experience for me and the kids.

It was a package under the not so cheap AirAsia, and we stayed at Paradise Resort, Surfer Paradise. I can say that there is plenty of Halal food around, with Kebabs seller are easily found around surfer paradise.

It was Movie World, Sea World that impressed the kids a lot. Maybe next time we will try Dreamworld. hehehe.. hubby are you reading this..

And just if you people are going anywhere and need a hotel, why not book it through this BLOG. Tremendous offering through

Let me share some of the pictures with you.

Going places? If yes why not try this blog !!!

My First Posting

I wonder why I did decided to take on blogging.

Probably it is due to my tiredness of Malaysian politics. I just want to blog on something that is light and would not stress out my readers. I like to read on politics, but lately Malaysian's politics just full of bull!!

Beside cooking, I love traveling and shopping too. Though I am quite careful not to waste my money in shopping for branded goods. Salvatore Ferragamo would just nice for me :) , just pulling your legs, actually something that is of quality and reasonable would fit just nice for me.

Well, I have been around, but not too many places. I been in Malaysia for most of my life.

I stayed in London for 3 good years and was working for a Malaysian government agency there. My first girl was born in London and second girl conceived there.

I found London is not a suitable place for growing up my kids and we decided to come back to Malaysia. Well you have more foreigner in London than the locals anyway ... lol

Indonesia have managed to excite me. All that shopping and shopping and shopping he he he.. Bandung factory outlets is my favorite shopping destination now though, until recently I have been able to 'balik Bandung' due to financial constraints... hubby you promise me that we will go next month ok :). I am longing for Jalan Dago FOSs so do as Jalan Riau...

Gold Coast Australia, is another of my favorite, the kids enjoyed themselves too. Just hope business will be doing well and I can convince my hubby to take us there this year again. hehehe.. I hope my hubby is reading this :)

Well for my first post I would not be ranting a lot.

Until next time. Good day mate ...